We are proud to partner with Caroline Hostettler, who has been bringing the best Swiss cheeses to the U.S. market since 1997. These cheeses, selected for their exceptional quality by Hostettler herself, are sourced from the finest artisans and affineurs working in Switzerland today.

Alp Sbrinz AOP
Obwalden, Switzerland
Alpkäse 2023 – Alp Parpan
Graubünden, Switzerland
Alpkäse 2023 – Alp Tannenboden
Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Alpkäse 2023 – Alp Urnerboden
Uri, Switzerland
Alpkäse 2023 – Schwägalp
Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Appenzeller® Black Label (6 Month)
Sankt Gallen & Thurgau, Switzerland
Appenzeller® Silver Label (3 Month)
Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Berner Hobelkäse AOP 2022 – Alp Satteleggli
Bern, Switzerland
Buure Weichkäsli
Solothurn, Switzerland
Buure Weichkäsli with Mustard
Solothurn, Switzerland
Entlebucher Bärlauchkäse
Luzern, Switzerland
Glarner Alpkäse AOP 2023 – Alp Heuboden
Glarus, Switzerland
Gruyère AOP 6 Month
Fribourg, Steinen, Zug, Switzerland
Hoch Ybrig
Schwyz, Switzerland
Holzhofer Rezent
Thurgau, Switzerland
L’Etivaz AOP
Vaud, Switzerland
Moser Aux Noix
Solothurn, Switzerland
Moser Charmant
Solothurn, Switzerland
Moser Riesling x Sylvaner
Solothurn, Switzerland
Moser Trüffel
Solothurn, Switzerland
Natour Fondue
Luzern, Switzerland
Old Witch
Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Petit Vaccarinus
Vaud, Switzerland
Obwalden, Switzerland
Raclette 2024 Round & Square – Alp Maran
Graubünden, Switzerland
Raclette Valdor Bagnes
Valais, Switzerland
Raclette White Wine
Obwalden, Switzerland
Red Witch
Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Rolf Beeler Gruyère AOP
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
Solothurn, Switzerland
Swiss Lady
Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Tête de Moine AOP
Bern, Switzerland
Toggenburger Chueli Extra
Sankt Gallen, Switzerland
Thurgau, Switzerland
Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP
Fribourg, Switzerland
Vacherin Fribourgeois AOP 2024 – Coopérative Charmey
Fribourg, Switzerland